Do you have people you follow on social media and you always think: woah? Cuz I’m gonna add to your list. In this article, I am going to pleasurably tell you ab look up to them andout 15 successful and inspirational persons that are actually worth looking up to. Enjoy 😀

- actuallynadeen
Nadeen is the founder of the very famous @assaultpolice, and it honestly couldn’t get more inspirational than that, the 22-year-old Nadeen had a cause that she believed in which is fighting all forms of sexual violence both locally and globally, and turned her passion into something real, something helpful. Her platform is all we need to end a form of patriarchy and provide help to the victims who need it, cuz it’s about time to fucking end all of this and have our freedom and our safety back. Did I also mention that she’s been featured in the new york times?!!

- Faisalalshaka
Faisal does not only crack us up with his funny videos and posts, but he also makes videos where he discusses controversial topics that are actually really good and informative. Faisal is famously known for his Sido And Hafido videos, where he and his grandpa discuss different topics, believe me when I say they’re hilarious. So, if you want a good laugh, you know what to do *blinks*.

- _ahmedkadry
We all have a little photographer in us and we usually do it for funsies but never actually thought of doing it as a living but Ahmed did. Ahmed has worked with many public figures such as Ahmed Helmy, Mo Salah, and many many more. His photographing skills are honestly breathtaking. On his account, you’ll find photos from every place in the world, from Egypt’s pyramids all the way to Hawaii’s beautiful oceans.

- malakswardrobe
Aside from reminding girls of their worth and being the feminist she is, Malak’s style is amazing I sometimes believe she’s out of a Vogue magazine. Also, her account is so aesthetically pleasing in a way I’ve only seen on Pinterest, she also posts styling videos that are really helpful, most of her photos are without makeup in order to normalize acne, dark circles, and the not-so-perfect normal skin. Overall, Malak is a Queen.

- amiraadeebb
If amira doesn’t crack you up, then idk who does. But for real, Amira is the most genuine person, she’s hilarious, she’s kind,she’s pretty and she’s honestly out of this world + her style is…. umm…BOMB. The word successful really does describe her, her account is ever-growing so is her youtube channel as well. Also, her shop is launching soon as she promised (shhh, more details to come). Amira is well-known for her funny videos with The Youssef Twins whom we are obsessed with (P.S. if you guys are reading this I love you, shokran).

- lailaaezzat
Who doesn’t love a good blogger/model/content creator? Honestly no one. If you don’t get wowed by Laila’s style then I have nothing to tell you other than wtf? Her Laila Wears highlight has all the outfit inspo you need in this world, it’s surreal. Honestly, her entire account is beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

- mariaelayan
If you don’t admire Maria and The Smi’touha Minni series on @khateera_ then there’s something wrong with you. You can literally feel the amount of effort and the teamwork behind each IGTV through the screen. The series provides an unreal amount of knowledge and discusses controversial topics. The feeling of power and being unstoppable after each video is just wow. Maria, adopt me lol.

- sarasabry
The first thing that crosses our minds after hearing her name is her famous ”Gooood morning you guuuys!” that immediately draws a smile on our faces and gives us a scary dose of +ve energy that could make us kill someone and be happy about it (lol don’t do that) but honestly, a day without her stories is definitely a day wasted.Sara’s youtube channel is -i’m honestly speechless- the best thing ever and is certainly a mood-changer.

- dressupwithjay
Oh Jessica, you’re awesome, style-wise, personality-wise, aesthetic-wise, I-ran-out-of-words-wise. Can you please tell me how a human can be that gorgeous, I beg you. If you want to spice up your outfits or if you have a piece of clothing that’s been laying in your closet for as long as you remember and you have no idea how to style it, then Jessica got your back. @Zara, sponsor her, for god’s sake.

- unstoppablezeina
Zeina is the founder of the amazing @catcallsofcairo, she’s literally a girl boss, fighting for the basic rights of every girl in this country. Zeina provides loads of information about things that need to change in our society, in the upbringing of our children, and in the way we treat each other so that we could one day live in a sexual-violence-free community where we (women) can feel safe and secure in our own skin, where we can believe in anything we want to believe in and do whatever the fuck we want without anyone telling us what to do and without anyone shaming us for doing it. Zeina, I really appreciate the amount of love and effort you put to make us have our freedom back and I support you with all of my heart.

- anasbukhash
When I hear the word success, the first person the crosses my mind is Anas, Anas is the founder of @chalk which is a unisex hair salon offering services in a lively atmosphere that combines great looks, music and art, it really is such a stunning place that empowers you to express your individuality. Anas also has his own clothing brand which is @iambuka and he’s also the host of @abtalks, A YouTube show showcasing the ‘raw’ side of achievers, celebrities, & influencers as human beings,and you can’t really resist bingeing the entire show in one seating.

- malakkgalal
Malak is the founder of @writershubeg which is a community for writers and content creators fully supports writers, gives them workshops with professionals and actually helps them become the best version they can be, it was formed by the one and only Malak Galal as a one-time event, but with the success of that one event, it was born.

- malakelhusseiny
When I say she has the most angelic voice I’ve ever heard,you gotta believe me, okay? Okay. Malak is a very talented singer/songwriter, her song Can’t Catch an Emotion has been streamed more than 350,000 times.She launched her career in 2014 after releasing her debut EP ‘Alters’ under Subspace Records followed by a number of singles such as ‘Wild Summer Hearts’ and ’Spirits Of Time’, garnering regional radio attention and over 1 million plays online.

- squaredtherapper
Ummm, can I say that we discovered the Egyptian version of the legend himself @eminem, cuz we did. I’ve listened to many Egyptian rappers but none of them actually gave me the feels, but oh boy, Squared is on another level. He’s famously known for rapping his KFC, Starbucks, and even McDonald’s orders, and trust in me when I say he did a really good job. Can you please teach me how you can be so good at it that people actually understand what you’re saying lol. But for real tho, he’s dope!

- mayaadarwish
The best for the last, Maya Darwish, the founder of the @uthhub (btw she has no idea I’m writing about her lol, so Maya, if you’re reading this, Surpriseeee!) but honestly, Maya is a real inspiration, she founded UthHub when she’s only 16 yo, and that’s so inspirational, at least to me. Working with a team of teenagers is hard, but managing everything on her own is even harder.
And here, we end this article. Thanks for reading :-*
Stay safe, humans :D.
Written by: Mariam Ibrahim
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