The Ultimate List Of Arabic Podcasts to Listen To.

Don’t know what to listen to when you’re doing chores or taking a walk down the street? Got tired of your playlist and want to try something different? Try listening to podcasts! Here are some of the best podcasts in Arabic out there that will make your days 10 times better!

Circuit Squad


To all my Formula One fans out there, your new favorite podcast is here! This podcast is perfect for any Middle Eastern F1 fan. Join Myrna, Nouran, and Farida as they cover the world of racing in a humorous way that will brighten your day, all while cheering for your favorite teams, and favorite drivers!

Kobayten Ahwa


Don’t know what to listen to while having your morning coffee? Prepare your cup of coffee however you like it and join these two guys discussing a bit of everything over two of cups of coffee!

Podcast 3elmy Gedan


With podcast 3elmy gedan you’ll get a bunch of scientific answers in a funny way that will make you forget we’re talking about science! With “almokadem” you’re in for one heck of a ride!



I’m pretty sure we all grew up reading books about Juha, or listening to stories from our grandparents about him. Go back to the good old days by listening to tin Juha podcast that is the form of a story in Arabic!

Alf Leila W Leila


Another one I’m pretty sure we’re familiar with is alf leila w leila . Listening to this podcast make you drown in nostalgia , try listening to it with your parents while everyone does their one thing as a form of activity that will bring the whole family together!

Kefaya Ba2a


if your looking for a sarcastic showcase for the Egyptian social insights in Arabic , then join Alaa El Sheikh as he discusses them without any filter. This podcast will make you feel as if your in a café having a conversation with a bunch of random people.

Eshtery Mny

Three friends having a conversation from three different point if views, let’s turn the podcast on, and see who’s opinion we agree with!


Mai Ibrahim presents a podcast about any and every thing, if your in your car driving somewhere this is definitely the podcast to turn on.

Izan A3eza’ay

If you’re looking for something short and fun, then join the one and only the comedian Mohamed Helmy, for one of the funniest podcasts out there!

2y Kalam

Last but defiantly not least, Ay Kalam Is a podcast that literally talks about random stuff, with talks about beauty of life in a hardship comedy way, this one is a on of a kind!

And that is all we have today about Arabic Podcasts, if you still haven’t found your self in any of these, check out our for English podcasts!

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