Every day on my way back from college, I pass by a circus very close to my house. The sight of this place makes me flashback to the circus trip I went to when I was a kid and wonder how my reaction would be if one day my child comes home with this paper that says they’re having a school trip to the circus? Will I just allow them to go and not deny them the happiness of spending the day with their friends or will I say no?
After careful consideration, I realized the answer will definitely be a no, yes everyone or at least most of us went on this trip as kids. We had fun and laughed and took pictures with the monkeys. I don’t blame us we were children but instead, I blame every educational institute and every parent who let us go to these places without thinking of the children they are raising to laugh at an animal get beaten up!
So when I saw this post of a lion that fell asleep mid-show because of how tired it was I decided that someone should talk about this!

Why is the circus bad for the animals?
1. I don’t believe that wild animals should ever be kept in cages.
2. Is forcing an elephant to stand on one leg or spin on a very small stool really a good idea?
3. Loud music sounds and cheering sound cause them to stress.
4. Lions and tigers only obey people to prevent getting whipped. Please read that again.
5. After reading about the topic, I found out that Elephants are frequently beaten with bullhooks—heavy batons with a sharp metal hook on one end—sometimes until they bleed, to force them to perform dangerous, uncomfortable tricks.
6. When they’re being transported from one place to another, they are usually all cramped in a truck that is not very well ventilated.
7. It is also said that animals in circuses become depressed, and most develop abnormal behavior patterns, including swaying, head-bobbing, and incessant pacing. Sometimes, they even harm themselves.
8. They don’t run or play like normal animals.
9. And of course, we all have heard about one or two snaps by an animal -that was caused by stress- which caused damage in properties or human deaths.
Those are 9 reasons and I’m sure we can find a thousand more if we dig deeper into this. 31 countries worldwide have already banned wild animal circuses! I can’t wait for the rest of the world to acknowledge the problem and do something about it.