Uni application season is officially upon us, with many already on the brink of application, but are confused as to how best apply.
Here are our top tips to get into the uni of your dreams.
1- Go to Uni before Uni:
That literally makes no sense we’re aware, but hear us out! With the world being ever-so changing and especially the post-pandemic era, many Uni’s have now changed the way by which they navigate their admissions process but also overall experience. In other words, now more than ever many universities offer high school students the opportunity to fully live on campus for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.
These opportunities are mostly coordinated via school administrations, but having that experience on your resume can show admissions just how committed you are to the mere notion of uni life and your willingness to give it a go. Also, you’d be more adaptable having already been exposed to the uni experience.
2- Diversify your choices:

Having just one college of choice isn’t an attractive solution and is one we find people leaning towards time and time again. But as a student, you’ve to also think critically, consider the odds of rejection and the different school spheres you might be interested in. Think Rory Giilmore and her harvard-yale fiasco.
3- Focus on Academics, but also extra-curricular:
It’s true that grades aren’t everything, because extracurricular activities are mostly worth even more. It’s one thing to be able to perfectly memorize and reiterate a syllabus, but a whole other thing when you’re able to show your ability to implement your knowledge in real life. So, if you’re still considering that summer course, go for it.
4- Network, Network, Network:
One important aspect of human-life on the whole is your ability to network, because without connections -whether inside the academic world or outside of it- is of utmost importance. Make sure you make connections inside and outside of the classroom, life is adventurous and you never know who you might bump into in the future.
5- Acceptance:
While our guide and many others hope to provide you with the best means to secure your position in your dream uni of choice, it’s important to note that not everyone will indeed get accepted into their dream school and that that is simply a rite of passage for thousands, if not millions of people globally.

Understanding and coming to terms with said outcome is crucial, because while it may seem right now that your grades and academic trajectory are all that matter and while for many others the luxury of thinking otherwise isn’t feasible, grades and numbers don’t define your worth. And oftentimes rejection is indeed redirection, regardless of how cheesy that line sounds, if you don’t believe us, just look at Jade Bowler’s story.