I believe self-care is the most important practice in the world. It manages stress, which can sometimes be tough to deal with. For that reason, i’ll be introducing a self-care topic every Saturday, so stay tuned! Self-care isn’t about buying yourself whatever you want, or getting facials every week, it’s truly way simpler than that. Taking extra care of your body, mind, and soul will definitely make you a happier and calmer person as a whole. Some ways you can practice self-care on the daily to relieve stress and to find your inner self: Get the sleep you need, eat clean and rich foods, meditate/ pray on the daily, take walks/ exercise, challenge yourself to something new every week, take in nature, read a self-motivating book, get to know yourself better, cook, take care of your skin, make time for your friends, and take a social media break. If all these factors are practiced frequently, you’ll seriously feel yourself heal physically and mentally. Make yourself a priority.
written by: Sara Ayoub