“Pink pyramid” the initiative that empowers female artists!


UH: Give us a small intro about your brand.

JS: I always come up with things in my head so at the beginning “Pink Pyramid” came to me as a magazine for females even the crew
However, I’ve never got around doing that, maybe I thought it wouldn’t be that cool or I didn’t believe in myself that much, you know, as 16 years old normally do.

It all really started when I was at my best friend’s house. I was tossing around the idea that I wanted to start a brand & she told me to just go for it! and then I was speaking to an artist friend about how artists should be paid. and that was when the whole image got brought into life with the mission of building up a brand and helping artists to profit from their art.

I then, put out the tweet, looking for female artists, and mentioned that they are going to get paid. people began reaching out to me, I had like 50 DMs, a lot of people got in touch and sent their work and I picked up my 4 favorite designs for the collection.

UH: What does Pink Pyramid stand for?

JS: When it comes to profiting here in Egypt, it’s male-dominated. so starting this brand feels like a breath of fresh air after all the circumstances women are facing and continue to face Its a place exclusively for women It feels really empowering to proudly say and we are going to keep going


UH: As a podcast host why did you choose to start this?

JS: I feel more empowered by the word ” creative” as I’m essentially a writer and then I hosted a podcast so I became a podcaster so a creative is what I go with because I’m probably going to wake up tomorrow with another idea

I feel like Pink Pyramid is an extension for my podcast. I’ve done the podcast to give space to Egyptian youth to express themselves and what they do! and that’s exactly what I’m doing now with young artists with the brand


UH: What do you hope to achieve with your brand ?

JS: I want it to be successful in terms of It’s bringing people joy
Pink Pyramid is not a business it is an initiative. It is a place where young women can showcase their work and be known by people so I don’t have a goal money-wise. I don’t want to lose my money but I also don’t want to gain 100 thousand pounds 🙂 . I want Pink Pyramid to be a brand that really cared about artists.

Now let’s have a quick look into the artists behind the first collection

Mariam Mostafa @marriampaints : My brand is just me working on an oil painting with canvas. I really like working on commission pieces because I really like the idea of somebody having a piece of my art so seeing my art on the hoodies was surreal to me as it means that somebody really like my art to an extent that they are wearing it

Maya El Sayed @abdelnabyart: I’ve only just recently started professionally making art so working with Jana was a perfect opportunity to get my art out there. At the beginning I was nervous but it went so well and Jana was so easy and great to work with. It feels so crazy seeing something I’ve made being worn by people. Its crazy how I went from sketching on my textbooks in class to making art on clothes for the all Egypt to see.

Fairouz ElTaweela @fairouzeltaweelasart: I’m a multidisciplinary visual artist working through a variety of mediums from painting to collage to digital art and anything else. When Jana approached me I was really hyped about her starting her own project and the support was just flowing. When we discussed the brand identity I immediately got hooked with ‘Pink Pyramid’ since I’d been recently working on incorporating Ancient Egyptian scenery with contemporary art and I felt this is a great opportunity. i hope this brand grows to symbolise a positive attitude where we can push each other forward and celebrate creativity.

Mariem Akmal @groovyw0rm: my brand is all about vibrancy and self-expression, I try to go for themes that are either comforting to look at or forces you to get out of your box so I’m really excited for the launch

For all the small artists that want to take part in the pink pyramid initiative:

The only specifications are that you must be an Egyptian woman
they personally prefer young artists but if someone like 40 reached out to them with really good work they wouldn’t say no!

you can also keep an eye on their on tiktok, Instagram, or twitter where they will be announcing all the updates but if youre someone who has really good pieces to show doesn’t wait and send it to them at (pinkpyramideg@gmail.com)

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