A few days ago we made you guys ask youtuber and singer Haley morales your juicy questions and we are here to serve you the answers. enjoy!

– [ ] what do u do when you’re at your lowest or whenever you’re feeling terrible?
I tell myself everything happens for a reason and watch Netflix and drink strawberry milk 🙂
– [ ] How’s ur mental health currently?
it’s really good, I’m happy with myself and with the people around me
– [ ] What’s your hog warts house?
I have absolutely no idea 🙁

– [ ] Would I ever do a zoom performance?
when my new song comes out I will!
– [ ] when will the album be done?
I’m coming out with singles first, then an ep. so not an album for a while. but the next single is coming up in early 2021!
– [ ] How much money do u make?
much less than I used to haha but it’s okay! I’m happy <3
– [ ] what is one thing you would tell your younger self?
everything happens for a reason but you have to stand up for yourself and not let anyone walk all over you
– [ ] if you had the chance to go back to physics school, would you go?
thinking you meant public school haha, I would never in a million years go back.

– [ ] who’s an artist you hate/dislike?
I honestly like all artists! I’ve had my ups and down with some influencers but who doesn’t?
– [ ] what do you see for yourself in the future?
I see myself moving to la and hopefully getting big in music. it’s my dream!
– [ ] message to her fans!
I love you so much! please never give up and dm me if you ever need help. i wouldn’t be anywhere without you