There are five different self-care dimensions. Physical, intellectual, social, spiritual, and emotional dimensions. Once all aspects are incorporated into your life, you will slowly start to become the best version of yourself.
Physical: Developing a regular sleep routine, going for walks, and aiming for a healthy diet are all examples of physical self care.
Intellectual: Intellectual self-care involves personal growth, passion for learning, pursuit for education, reading, and trying new things.
Social: Having a supportive group of people who you can reach out to when you need help, guidance, or support are examples of social self-care. Connecting with your family, spending time with your friends, or going on a date with your significant other truly helps create a sense of belonging and acceptance.
Spiritual: Spiritual self-care involves the beliefs and values that help guide your life. Praying, reading your holy book, or even just talking to who you worship can help you find peace within yourself.
Emotional: Be aware of your emotions. Let them out. Cry when you need to, talk to whomever is bothering you, and deal with stress positively. Be kind, love others, and most importantly, love yourself.
Written by: Sara Ayoub