Ever considered getting your own Credit Card as a teen rather than using your parents’ cards wherever you go?
Credit cards are more secure and reliable than you might realize,but not all countries allow teenagers to own one:the age requirement to get a credit card is either 21 or 18, depending on the country. However, numerous banks are now starting to offer a specific credit card for teens or students cards around the world.
Emirates NBD has created a youth package with no minimum balance, non-maintenance of minimum balance and an eligibility of age between 18 to 25. The card comes with various rewards and features such as no account opening fees, customized saving plans, cheque book, free local and international transactions, offers with Emairates NBD deals
A youth card, on the other hand, is now available in Egypt starting at the age of 16 according to Banque Masr. Cardholders have access to fawry payments and checks, as well as commercial malls both inside and outside of Egypt. The card has a five-year validity period and enables monthly purchases outside of Egypt of up to $200 USD.
There are also new services created by companies like Telda to help teenagers purchase or withdraw money from any ATM globally. Telda is based in Cairo and managed by the Central Bank of Egypt and partners with Mastercard and Banque Du Caire.
Telda’s Eligibility requires you to be at least 16 years old and an Egyptian resident. The Company’s application can ask you to provide personal info like address, e-mail, mobile phone number, and national ID to be able to create an account.
Ask about the most suitable deals for your age group as there are many more plans available to assist with online purchases, money transfers, and a variety of bank-offered packages.