Amir Eid In Ramez Never Ends: 3 Reasons Why it Hurts

Every year in Ramadan Ramez Galal produces a show that features many celebrities whom he pranks, and today’s episode featured none other than Cairokee’s Amir Eid

Disclaimer: No shade is thrown towards any of the names mentioned throughout this piece!

Writing this piece meant having to watch the whole episode -which was chaotic, to say the least. Every year in Ramadan Ramez Galal produces a show that features many celebrities whom he pranks, and today’s episode featured none other than Cairokee’s Amir Eid

The Bullying

The first 10 minutes of the show consist mainly -per usual- of Ramez bullying Amir for his choice of hairstyle, and accessories. The unnecessary commentary regarding Amir’s appearance is showcasing how much of a bully Ramez is; at the very beginning of the show’s episode, and before Amir’s appearance in it, Ramez reminds us of the friends he had in the industry whom he has lost due to his show’s brutality.

Lack of Reaction

The show keeps getting more unrealistically staged as the years go by; this year, the main theme is “almost dying” when the Dinner in The Sky -in KSA- almost falls apart and the guests are about to meet their doom. During the 5 minutes that show the “malfunction” that happens with the table and the chairs, the staged screaming occurs almost on cue, and Amir’s reaction stays almost the same, as if unbothered. This leads us to the same conclusion of every year: this is all staged and for show. Some people even say that it was as if Ramez is the one being pranked for how much he was reacting to everything throughout the whole episode.

The Backlash

The backlash and hate comments towards Amir start rolling instantly, saying how could he accept this for himself. However, if anything is truly known about him, it is how chill he actually is as a person and takes everything so lightly -which is truly encouraged. Also, to be fair, the whole prank is much less than what have other actors had to endure with Ramez… (Yes, we are referring to Mohamed Fouad bleeding on the set…talk about real bloody violence)


As a reaction to the backlash he faced, Amir posted this tweet, informing his fans he would no longer take part in productions that are not music-related -other than his show Rivo. This strengthens a certain theory: how celebrities are looked at through a certain frame, and if the said frame is changed or modified, a backlash is the consequence. It creates an unsafe environment for celebrities to be themselves; every step, every move, and every word is seen, heard, and criticized. It is not just that their personal lives are frequently on display and become the talk of the city, but their personal views are accounted for as well.

This is also proven when Ramez asks Amir to apologize for saying that Mohamed Ramdan’s song Number One is one of the worst songs he has ever listened to. This was simply his own opinion and take on a song, why should someone apologize for their personal preferences and taste? If I were the one to say that I personally hate or dislike a song, and claim it to be my most disliked song ever, I would not receive a backlash for it…freedom of speech. However, this is not the case for celebrities, they receive criticism for things that should not concern anyone.

I personally absolutely love Amir Eid -and Cairokee- and believe that no hate should be thrown towards anyone; you can hate the act but not the person. Hence, it is safe to say we do not promote the violence that sometimes is displayed on Ramez Never Ends; our favourite shows during Ramadan consist entirely of violence-free plots. What do you think, though?

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