1) donate essentials to the organizations below. if you can’t, spread the word, share this.
Domestic Workers Aid:+@egnalegna
Food Relief:+@lebfoodbank
Food, Elders and Marginalized Communities Aid:+@beitelbaraka
Milk and Diapers:+@atfalouna.leb
– if donating money please donate in usd as Lebanese pounds are technically nothing
– you can also donate by downloading the Lebanese red cross app
2) donate blood almost all hospitals are in need
– if you are donating blood order a careem and use code DONATEBLOOD for a free ride to and from any hospital
3)follow reliable sources and retweet to get real news across
5) open carrds and sign petitions
here are a few:
1. http://helplebanon.carrd.co
2. http://lebanoncrisis.carrd.co
3. http://crisesinthemiddleeast.carrd.co
5. http://lebanonscrisis.carrd.co
6) add those cards to your bio
7) spread awareness that the gases are toxic and that everyone that lives in that area should evacuate for their own safety
8) if you are in lebanon please stay indoors, lock your windows and stay away from dust as the explosion looks nitric
9) stop spreading your conspiracy theories and opinions
10) take a deep breath and a few minutes of social media so you would be able to stay calm and help yourself & others