Start With This by Jeffrey Cranor
Want a podcast that will entertain you and make you feel smart? Start With This. No…really, “Start With This” is a podcast by Jeffrey Cranor (of Welcome to Night Vale, the creepy US podcast about an imaginary town) is an interactive experience – first you listen to an episode, then you go and create something from what you’ve learned, be it a writing assignment or another bit of homework. Start With This strives to help you boost your creativity, with episodes ranging from ‘Present Tense’ to ‘Non-Lovecraftian Horror’.
Crime Show
Launched in 2021, Crime Show delivers on its promise to tell “stories about people. And sometimes crime”; with each episode offering a standalone story that doesn’t exclusively fall back on the grimly overused ‘women getting murdered’ trope (though murder is a common topic). Some shows involve ghosts, others scammers, and identity thieves. And in one particularly bizarre episode, we even meet a singer whose voice was stolen by a chart-topping imposter. This isn’t your typical true-crime podcast.

Anything that Goes with Emma chamberlain
Emma prefers to share her thoughts with a microphone rather than a physical human being, so thank god she has a podcast. Recorded from the comfort of her bed, Emma talks at length about whatever is on her mind every week. Anything does go on this podcast. Sometimes philosophy, sometimes a random story from 10 years ago, sometimes advice, and sometimes nothing at all. You never know what you are going to get, but that’s what keeps it interesting. New episodes every Thursday.
Platforms that stream these podcasts: Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Anghami, Spotify, Deezer
Some Aarbic Podcats
كنبة السبت: بودكاست بطابع اجتماعي، ونفسي، وفلسفي في أحيانٍ أخرى، لوجهة واحدة، وجهة الإثراء الممتع
بودكاست تنفس: جرعة مواساة صوتية مخصصة للأرواح المتعبة، تنفس واترك كل شيءٍ يذهب في مُذكرة تَنفَّسْ
بودكاست كاروهات: تقديم مي ابراهيم مواضيع شيقة ومتنوعة تقضيً على الملل
If you want even more podcasts to broaden your list, here you go! And a personal favourite of the Uthhub Team is Sarde After Dinner; you go check it out yourself! 😉