Winter is all about curling up on your bed under your warm blanket and reading a new book! Here are 10 book recommendations for all the book worms out there!
1. Book: مر مثل القهوة حلو مثل الشوكولا
Author: Mirna El Helbawi

The book takes you into a journey around the world and a journey about discovering one’s self.You might relate in many occasions to your inner self. You will have the feeling that she is actually uncovering your own feeling.If you want a short read that is light, emotional, and interesting then definitely go for this book!
2. Book: إذما
Author: Mohamed Sadek

Have you ever thought of how you’ll be 16 years later ? Will you be able to love that version of you ?
These questions are what Eissa has to find out. A very tiring journey that started on his 36th birthday when he received a gift from the least person he would ever expect. That day was the starting point for the road back to Love, Passion, Ambition & Craziness. A battle between his dreamy past & the his painful reality. That day was the way back to “Eissa El Shawaf”.
3. Book: ذات مرة في الطريق المظلم
Author: Khaled Amin

If you are an avid reader of thrillers and horror books, this one would be quite intriguing and appealing for you. This novel features “Hatem” and his wife “Mona” who were an ideal couple; however, literally everything changed after they met “Adam” who killed Mona in eerie circumstances, then Hatem devoted his life for searching for Adam and solving the mystery behind his wife’s murder, and throughout the journey Hatem encountered various life-threatening obstacles, but his persistence to find Adam provoked him to persevere. So, delve into the details of this book, and wait for an unanticipated and a mind-blowing ending for it!
4.Book: 1/4 Gram
Author: Essam Youssef

1/4 gram is a true story about a group of friends who were torn apart slowly (and agonisingly) by that very line of heroin l. It’s a very different book, in all sorts of ways. It gives very deep and detailed insight to how addiction develops and how hard it is to let go of it, from a truly human perspective.
5. Book: أوراق شمعون المصري
Author: Osama Abd El Raouf El Shazly

Have you ever read a book that was so good you couldn’t read anything else after it?
أوراق شمعون المصري is that type of a a book!
It traces the life of Shamoon the son of Zakhary who left egypt with Prophet Moussa by crossing the sea till the death of prophet. He mentioned all the events in a way that keeps you hooked till the very end.
6. Book: A room of one’s own
Author: Virginia Woolf

The book is divided into seven chapters, each of which discusses a different topic. Virginia discusses the relationship between women and literature and answers questions such as why there are no women who can write like Shakespeare and whether the issue is truly related to a man’s skill and intelligence. She explained the consequences that women faced, such as education and the fact that not all women have equal access to education. She spoke about financial independence and how it is essential for women to be able to innovate. The author posed a question such as, “Why do men write about women?” Why all this interest and explained the topic from her perspective.
7. Book: The Wave
Author: Todd Strasser

A really good read ,that is immensely enjoyed by people that are interested in psychological behavior. The Wave is a short read and it’s based on real life events.It’s based on a very well known high school class experiment that took place in Palo Alto, California in 1969. It’s a compelling, hard hitting and thought provoking book that can make you think, “would you really do this out of fear?” . A brief synopsis of this book, it revolves around a classroom experiment conducted by a history teacher to help his students understand how the Germans were compelled to follow Hitler during World War II, especially after all the atrocities the Nazis did.
8. Book: The invisible life of Addie Laurie
Author: V.E. Schwab

A fantasy fiction novel about a girl who makes a deal with the devil to escape a marriage and a lifeless live, but she is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets. The story recounts her journey over time and her attempts to leave a mark or an impression on whoever is around and how she managed to live on her own for decades.
9. Book: The Diary of a Jewish Muslim
Author: Kamal Ruhayyim

Spanning the 1930 to the 1960s, this novel accompanies Galal, a young boy with a Jewish mother and a Muslim father, through his childhood & boyhood in vibrant cairo. With his schoolboy crushes and teen rebellions, Galal is deeply Egyptian, knit tightly into the middle-class fabric of manners,morals and traditions that cheerfully incorporates and transcends religion -a fabric about to be torn apart by a bigger world of politics that will put Galal’s very identity to the test.
10. Book: The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Author: Mitch Albom

This short novel follows Eddie, an amusement park mechanic that dies in a tragic accident. He goes to heaven and meets five different people that impacted his life in significant ways. This is one of my favorite books, and it can be finished on an afternoon (for all my people who want to read, but don’t have the time/patience).