6 Vital Uni Terms You Need to Know Before the New Life Experience

Uni is a life-changing experience that you will definitely enjoy. Yes, it’s reasonable to be a bit afraid at the beginning of your freshman year because it’s a new experience and surely you don’t know how to behave in some new situations such as dealing with professors. One of the fears freshman students face that makes them strange like tourists is the use of terminology. Using school terminology in college can be really confusing to you and the people you ask, so, here are 10 important uni terms you definitely need to learn:

1. Not Subject! But Course

This is one of the basic terms you perhaps know, but it’s important to ensure you know. As you know, some juniors and seniors can be annoying when you are a freshman saying a term like “subject” in uni, so, let’s not give them the chance! There is no difference in meaning between the meanings of both words. Course simply refers to college subjects.

2. Module=Course unit or topic

The divisions of your course are not called units anymore. They’re now called modules. Modules are simply parts or sections of your course that focus on a specific topic. Breaking the course into multiple modules is something that shall ease your life in college, so, don’t panic when you hear the new word! Speaking of courses and specialized modules, you can find a whole detailed course on each module on Coursera.

3. Office Hours: New feature unlocked

Office hours is the official form of meeting with your professor to discuss whatever is related your course material and projects. Yes, you were allowed in school to meet your teacher and discuss the same things when his/her time allows you, but now it has an official form and you have the right of certain hours to meet with your professor.

4. Faculty is not just the place!

Faculty now is a term that also refers to the teaching staff of professors. So, when someone talks about the faculty as a group, do not get confused.

5. Tutorials are your biggest savior.

Tutorials are simply guided sessions or study groups you will have with your tutor to examine certain parts in depth. Since tutorials can be taken online, it’s a great benefit because you can rewatch them and pay attention to the details. You can find online tutorials by various distinguished instructors in different fields on YouTube, namely Angela Wolf and FreeCodeCamp.

6. Academic titles and different attitudes!

Attention please when it comes to your professors’ different academic titles because language expresses your attitude and respect. You must know the several titles that teaching staff have. The teaching assistant is totally different from the doctor holding a PhD. You have to respect all parties but take care of these titles and understand these titles so you don’t get in any inconvenience! Taking into consideration these titles and terms, respect everyone and don’t be overly friendly or humorous with professors, especially with higher ranks.

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