I believe that women always take the most spotlight when it comes to festivals and dresses because let’s be honest; dresses are much more fun to watch. But I also believe that they deserve to have some of the compliments when they actually make the effort to be different, so here is the top 5 best dressed men from my humbled opinion
1. Karim Kassem
The mission to find my top 5 best dressed men was hard, because suits usually all look the same but Karim Kassem understood the assignment so well. He was different and outstanding, not in a weird way but more in a very presentable way. Absulotely loved his suit!

2. Hady El Bagoury
I mean, look how handsome! The all black suit compliments him very well and as much as I get weirded out by people wearing sunglasses at night, I think it suits his outfit alot.

3. Amr Wahba
It’s simplicity at its best. Nothing too much but standing out. I believe that the character Amr Wahba is and his beautiful soul makes him stand out in whatever he’s doing or wherever he goes!

4. Ahmed Dawood
i just have something for Ahmed Dawood, his spirit and vibes are always very positive and very cheerful. He’s also always good looking in all the suits he wears! His outfit is simple and not much but I love it.

5. Nicolas Moawad
LOVE the-all-white suit as well as the all black one. Nice effort, very good choice and very good looking!

We always wait for any festival or event to come our way to bless our eyes with beautiful outfits, and we can’t wait to see what our favourite celebrities will wear for the rest of the week and in the closing ceremony! Let us know which suit did you like the most!