Teaching Responsibility and Accountability: Lessons from a Classic 1955 Egyptian Song

The classic Egyptian song “ذهب الليل طلع الفجر” has been inspiring children for generations with its catchy melody and playful lyrics. But beyond its entertainment value, the song also teaches children an important lesson about responsibility and accountability.

The lyrics of the song emphasize the importance of being accountable for one’s actions and taking responsibility for the consequences that follow. For example, the song describes a child who doesn’t listen to their mother’s advice and gets hurt because of it. This is a powerful reminder that actions have consequences and that we must be accountable for our choices and accept the outcomes, whether they are positive or negative.

Teaching children about responsibility and accountability can be challenging, but it’s an important part of helping them grow into responsible and conscientious adults. By setting clear expectations, providing positive reinforcement, and modelling responsible behaviour ourselves, we can help children learn about responsibility and accountability.

As the song says, “Mom said to leave the cat alone, let it be, but the child didn’t listen and got hurt.” This is a powerful way to remind children that sometimes we do things we shouldn’t, and we must accept the consequences of our actions. Whether it’s a small mistake like breaking a toy or a bigger one like getting into trouble at school, we must learn to take responsibility for our choices and accept the outcomes.


By using the message of the song to teach children about these important values, we can help them develop into responsible and conscientious adults who are equipped to tackle the challenges of the future. As the song says, “The night has gone and dawn has come, our flowers have gone and the essence and the school have begun to gather us to learn, understand, and work.” By teaching children about responsibility and accountability from a young age, we can help them develop into responsible and conscientious adults.

In conclusion, the classic Egyptian song “ذهب الليل طلع الفجر” teaches children about the importance of responsibility and accountability. By using the lyrics of the song to teach children about these important values, we can help them develop into responsible and conscientious adults who will make a positive impact on the world around them. The song’s message about accepting consequences is a powerful reminder that our actions have outcomes and that we must be accountable for our choices and accept the outcomes, whether they are positive or negative.

BY: Saher Ahmed

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