I’ve always had a thing for old movies, don’t get me wrong I’m only 19, but they’re always the best. Plot, actors, clothes, playlists, everything about it is magical to me. So let’s say I am a little bit biased in this comparison but please, hear me out.
Both movies (She’s All That and He’s All That) have the same story. The popular kid has a bet with their friends on turning the lowkey -not so popular- kid into prom king/queen.
She’s all that was played by Rachael Leigh Cook and Freddie Prinz Jr. Zack (Freddie) was the popular guy and he was on a mission to turn Laney (Rachael) into a prom queen. The movie was so good, they all portrayed their characters so well. I fell in love with it 10 minutes in.
He’s all that, played by Addison Rae and Tanner Buchanan. The story is the same except that Padgett (Addison) is the popular girl who is trying to turn Cameron (Tanner) into prom king. If someone asks me to describe this movie in one word; it would definitely be cringe. I’m sorry but the whole coming to prom on a horse was just TOO much. It’s weird how we can take something so good and turn it into something so bad. Addison Rae -in my humble opinion- was not so good as an actress. I was scrolling through my phone every once in a while, not so invested in the movie. But to be fair, Tanner Buchanan and Madison Pettis were good. Maybe others too but those were the two who caught my attention. So if we’ll rate this movie, I’d give it 1.5/10 just for the efforts

In conclusion, I don’t even think this comparison is fair at all. The OG movie 100% wins. So if you ever feel like watching a highschool movie and think about watching He’s All That, Well..
go for She’s All That
And let’s not forget I’m no critic so this is an honest review from a girl who is simply passionate about art and artists!