Ok, so there are the Elements right? Earth, Air, Fire and Water? The 12 signs are assigned each of these four elements. That means three per element. Traditional Astrology says that sings of the same element get along the best, for example: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (fire signs).
It is important to mention, that the vast majority of people do not believe in Astrology whatsoever. Hence, most people enjoy relationships outside of what Astrology dictates. Their friend groups consist of the most different sign and element combinations, which is very interesting for someone like me who does like to see what’s in the stars.
These observations have led me to a theory that would explain these relationship patterns and make sense regarding the information on Astrology we have now. The theory goes as follows: That a friend group is only well-rounded when the members have *different* natural elements, maybe even all four, thus reaching divine completion.
Friends who are water signs, for example, probably drown each other being the emotional feelers they are. Similarly, fire friends have lively sessions then burn out within minutes. The same goes for earth sign people, known for being stubborn and bottling up their anger; I wouldn’t want to see those get at each other! Likewise with air signs. They tend to not reveal too much about themselves, which keeps friendships and other relationships at a distance.
In current Astrology, followers are looking to make sense of their lives and are seeking ethereal harmony and promises of perfection in the stars. But such concepts are not represented in our physical world. Rather, we can observe the world we live in and open our eyes to the perfect patters that make up our universe and our social constructs and behaviors- and try to explain them for example through Astrology.
The harmonious misconception about people of the same elements only working well together is replaced by the perfect pattern that when people under all four elements come together, they reach relationship completion. This builds upon the physical phenomenon of people having friends from all different elements.
If you do know a little about astrology, what element are you and what element are your friends? Let’s gather data! Comment down below(: