Sarah Abouelkhair Aka Nasa girl and the creator of 2ool ameme

Sarah Abouelkhair, a storyteller, a co-founder of Egypt’s most famous game, and an ivy league graduate, is one of the country’s most influential and creative people if you ask me. Whether you have been following Sarah on social media or not you definitely might have heard of her meme game “2oolameme” or her social experiment that gave her the name “NASA girl”.

Almost 3 years ago, Sarah posted an Instagram story discussing a giant BBQ party under NASA’s launching rockets. And as you know social media is one of the easiest methods for spreading news, real or fake. But not only did Sarah release a news statement but explained how the BBQ party would be beneficial for NASAs as an industry and to the world. She also posted a couple of screenshots of NASA, SpaceX, Netflix, BuzzFeed, and the Ellen show replying to her suggestions and being supportive of her brilliant idea. But unfortunately, the whole experiment had to come to an end as soon as actual platforms were concerned regarding its accuracy. Sarah later posted a video with Binge Circle discussing and explaining the whole experiment and the truth behind it. And believe me when I say that even though I knew it wasn’t real; I began to doubt myself at one point. However, I absolutely loved each story and was completely hooked by her humor and fun.

Only a few months into quarantine, Sarah releases the country’s most talked-about meme game. 2oolameme is a game empire created by Sarah and 2 of her friends as the boredom of quarantine started hitting us all. The game consists of 2 types of cards, situations, and memes. A judge pulls a meme card and other players must find the perfect situation card that matches the meme then the judge chooses the funniest card and the player behind it gets the point. As the game started trending. It got released into a couple of stationeries and supermarkets around the country. everyone was trying to lay their hands on one.

Months later, people were excited and on edge for another game and the 2oolameme team made sure their customers were there through the whole process and finally released their second game 2ool aw 2e3mel. The game was a success and the beginning of many more creative ideas that resulted in 2 other games today. Their games were present in various events and collaborations with lots of brands like the Cairo film festival, Nestle and Zed.

Surprisingly as Sarah moved to New York for her master’s at Columbia University, her games didn’t leave her side. They were present around NYC in Manhattans board game cafe hex and co, attended zooba’s first game night, and were the star of the Mena in tech event. If I am being honest, I envy however attended those exciting events. Last but not least the game empire was spotted in Time Square, New York as one of the first Egyptian local brands to be featured there.

Sarah, a passionate creator, and an architect has been an inspiration to many of us including me. The hard work, creativity, and sarcasm not only makes her a perfect entrepreneur but a role model and proof that hard work pays off.
Have I also mentioned that she is a Blair girl?
Bonus points for being a gossip girl fan>

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