confused and lost about where to start looking for summer internships or jobs? don’t be! we did all the research needed, as always, we’ve got you!
part-time & full-time jobs:
Starting off strong with places that offer amazing job opportunities and have great vacancies for undergrads;

Decathlon, most employees at Decathlon are undergrad students, they offer both part-time and full-time.
Places like Hamleys also offer full times and part-time jobs, but only for people over 18 years old.
Nurseries offer jobs for undergraduates as either an English teacher or assistant to an English teacher, we’re pretty sure your local nursery does so, it also doesn’t really need experience, and is fairly easy. All you need to have is a tolerance for kids, hence why I wouldn’t be qualified for such job.

There are also places like Gravity Code, and Bounce, which seriously sounds like so much fun, Imagine getting paid to jump around all day!
if you have a sweet tooth like me, working at Dirty Cookie would be like a dream come true, thinking about being around all these heaven-sent desserts makes me really think about my non-existent self-discipline.
Another really great idea regarding teaching is you could be a teacher assistant in a subject you’re good at or one you love. Especially for IGCSE teachers, it pays well too!
Now onto internships,
A really interesting opportunity is Ispark Egypt, they hold events for high schoolers. You could contribute to such by working in sales and marketing, and of course, will get a certificate as well

Shops like Dara’s ice cream, TBS Bakery, and Nola offer summer internships which then grant you a certificate.
Ikea also happens to offer an internship which could be a great opportunity
And If you’re a Business major, most Banks usually offer summer training which also grants you a certificate at the end.
Saving the best for last, Kidzania! It’s an all-time favorite, it would be crazy fun to experience working there, don’t you think?
Also, Here’s some exclusive news that I probably shouldn’t share quite yet; Uthhub may or may not be having its summer internship soon as well, so stay tuned for that!