Nour rizk talks everything makeup!

Firstly, we’d like to know how long you’ve been doing makeup, professionally, and what got you into it in the first place?

I started looking at makeup as a career and a profession, 3 years ago.

I’ve always been so in love with makeup and anything that looks good in general, ever since I was very little, to the point where when my dad would ask me, what I want to be when I grow up, I’d say makeup, just straight up makeup. I think that’s because of my love for colours.

How’d you reach where you are right now, and was it difficult?

Reaching where I am now was a bit difficult, and took a lot of time, it took 3 years. I starting doubting myself in the beginning, telling myself that I’m so young and there are so many people in this field, so what would make me succeed, but I was optimistic and kept pushing and doing things that I liked not things that other makeup artists do, which I feel was part of the reason why I grew.

What do you think is your biggest accomplishment?

There are 2 actually! The first is going to the Gouna Film Festival as the youngest makeup artist, and I was on my own with May el Gheity, not part of a group or a company. The second was working on Carmen Soliman’s latest music video which was personally, my favourite project I’ve worked on.

Experience with these four celebrities:

My experience with all of them was great! They were all very humble and very nice.

For Diana , we were shooting a photography shoot for her, because she wanted personal pictures that were nice and different. We were actually shooting at my studio in my house and she was very friendly and fun. We did a very elegant, subtle, morning look because we were shooting in the morning and she was wearing a very elegant, white dress so she looked very angelic, and it was a very soft look.

For May el Gheity, it was a red carpet look for the Gouna Film Festival, and the amazing stylist (Lamia Rady) asked me to do a specific look, so I was kind of restricted, but I absolutely loved it. It was a very wet, glowy, yet subtle, maroon look to match her hair. It’s probably one of my favourite looks I’ve ever done on a client or a celebrity.

Also, May goes to the same university I go to, so it was very, very fun and we spent the whole day together and we travelled and came back together too.

Next is Mayan el Sayed, she also goes to the same university! I’ve worked with her twice and whenever we work together, we do crazy, editorial looks. She’s extremely nice, humble and sweet. The first look I did on her was for an interview with Mona El Shazly and it was a very striking, ocean blue eye look. The second look I’ve done on her was a brown smoky look with neon pink in her inner corners and she was hosting the pubg live concert.

Finally, I did Mariam El Khosht’s makeup for a Samsung ad. She’s an extremely kind person and cares so much about the environment, animal cruelty, and all things related. she cared enough to ask about my products and I personally also care a lot about animal cruelty, so all my makeup is cruelty free, which she was very happy about. The look we went for was a 90’s very simple, natural look which she was also very happy with.

What’s one goal you’d like to achieve?

I want to start working on special effects makeup a little more and focus more on that side of the makeup industry, especially in Egypt, and working in movies next to people like Tarek Kamal, Donia Sedky and Islam, etc. They’re the leading special effects makeup artists in Egypt. That’s a field I’d really be interested in getting into.

Who’s a celebrity you want to work with in the future?

I want to work with Dorra Zarrouk sometime.

Interviewed by: Maya Darwish

Written by: Malak El Dawy

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