If you’re an OG follower you would remember when we collaborated with @earthings.ae for a promo code to celebrate us hitting 1k well, in honor of hitting 4k ( thank you guys sm btw <3) they were nice enough to send me a package filled with all their earrings! so I decided what better thing to do than to review them and give them some support right? ( also the influencer in me jumped haha)

okay, so I’m going to be rating them from most to least favorite:
1) The baby and The duck
– yes, the Least “normal” ones were actually my favorite, the duck squeaks when you press on it and I choose the skin tone and skirt color for the baby which was a huge plus!
2) The star
– I honestly expected this to be my least favorite one since its the most common but that was before I knew it glows in the dark so that makes it a literal shining star ( pun intended 😉
3) The Uno
– I kinda felt like those ones made my face look like a rectangle, I believe that if I had a more circle-y face they would have looked much better – or maybe that’s just my insecure self speaking – i still got to choose the color and number of the uno cards tho!
Extra ones:
so I wasn’t really expecting neither the chips, nor the indomie one since I have never seen them on eartings feed and ngl I was kinda hesitant to put them on, they looked great in their wrapping but I wasn’t sure how they would look on me but they are by far my family’s favorite ( yes, i forced them to sit and watch me try every single one on)
To end this, I would like to thank @eartings.ae and rgd ( the founder) for this wholesome surprise it legit made my day , ill be leaving their clearance prices down below for any UAE peeps interested and would like to support a small business.