Is it scary? Is it revolutionary? Here is everything you need to know.
Before we ever knew about ChatGPT, we had heard a lot about artificial intelligence. Rumours of how tech companies plan on using it to bring the future closer to us were being shared to scare us (and how it’s one step closer to a robot invasion…)– but not many people really grasped the concept of it. However, in the last few months, it was handed to us on a silver platter through a programme called ChatGPT and the world is obsessed!
ChatGPT is a truly revolutionary advancement in technology and has changed the way we view and interact with AI. Before, AI was some tech advancement that was supposedly going to bring the future forward, now we engage with it in a natural way to enhance our work and personal performance.

What is ChatGPT?
At its core, it is an advanced language tool that uses advanced techniques to interact with users in a scarily human-like manner. With its vast attainment of data from the internet, it can understand, generate and maintain coherent and contextual conversations to help users with whatever prompt they suggest.
It can also be your new best friend.
How is ChatGPT changing education?
With ChatGPT’s sudden introduction into our toolset, there were many concerns about how it would destroy the education system and a narrative that it would guide cheating students was created. This narrative implies that education has no room for modernization and assumes that any advancement is malicious.
On the other hand, many welcome this new tool in education, saying it will revolutionise education, not destroy it.
The advanced power of this tool can be utilised as a powerful aid to both students and teachers. It can minimise research efforts while providing extra supplemental resources for students and teachers that would not be easily found using regular search engines. Many schools and curriculums such as IB has adapted to ChatGPT and is allowing students to use it to boost productivity and create a wider span of information. These curriculums understand that we need to learn to adapt

Additionally, there are tools that can detect if AI has been used in an unauthorised way in an essay which is how schools and education systems can regulate the future of technology without suppressing it.
As we move toward modernisation and learn more about utilising ChatGPT, we can finally see education take a vital step into the future. Why be scared of progress in a system that hasn’t adapted to the modern era in decades?
Why are people scared?
As we talked about in education, people were worried that these kinds of AI would make cheating a lot more accessible, however, the fear goes a lot deeper than that.

There are many that are afraid of being replaced, as AI can efficiently and inexpensively do many jobs. Technology and machines are precise where regular people, like you and me, make mistakes. We are slow when robots can be designed to work fast.
The difference between us “regular people” and AI, which helps settle a lot of fear that people have, is that it is humans that are creative. We can design something, from nothing– such as ChatGPT.Although it seems that ChatGPT has the answers to everything, it isn’t aware of what has happened since September 2021; meaning that any recent affairs are beyond its “everlasting intelligence”.
While AI tools can give us answers to solutions, it is we who ask the questions in the first place which highlights the importance of human inquiry, a power that cannot be taken away by AI.
So I ask you: What is ChatGPT?
Well, it’s a tool that changes the way we perceive work and productivity forever…
It’s the start of a robot invasion