Delulu or True Love: 10 Signs You’re in a Delusionship

We’ve all been there – that confusing, sometimes even painful, place in a relationship where reality seems to take a back seat to our fantasies. You might have heard the term “delusionship” thrown around lately, and it’s time to delve deeper into this phenomenon. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ten signs that you might be stuck in a delusionship and, more importantly, how to CONFRONT it.

Idealizing Your Partner


You have an overly positive view of your partner, often putting them on a pedestal and ignoring their flaws. You may believe they can do no wrong, even when they display negative behaviors.

Making Excuses for Your Partner

When your partner behaves poorly or mistreats you, you find yourself making excuses for their actions, justifying their behavior, or blaming yourself for their actions.

Lack of Open Communication

You avoid discussing problems or concerns in the relationship because you fear it might shatter the illusion of a perfect relationship.

Isolation from Friends and Family

You start to distance yourself from friends and family who might offer an objective perspective on your relationship. This isolation can contribute to further delusion.

Unwillingness to Accept Reality

Even when confronted with evidence that your relationship is problematic, you refuse to acknowledge the truth and hold on to the fantasy of a perfect partnership.

Fear of Being Single

The fear of being alone or not finding another partner causes you to cling to the delusionship, despite its flaws and negative consequences.

Lack of Reciprocity

Your partner fails to reciprocate your feelings, energy, and effort in the relationship. Replies become dry, and it feels like your investment isn’t returned.

Constant Overthinking

You convince yourself that the relationship will eventually turn into something more significant. You obsessively analyze every message, trying to decipher hidden meanings and intentions.

Obsessive Romanticizing

You romanticize your partner’s actions and behaviors, creating an idealized version of the relationship in your mind. This often leads to disappointment when reality doesn’t match your fantasies.

Inconsistent Communication

Communication is superficial and inconsistent. You feel compelled to hold back from sharing deeper thoughts and emotions, leading to a constant state of anxiety.

Now that we’ve identified these ten signs, it’s time to explore how to face the truth and

Break Free from The Delusionship:

Choosing Yourself First

Recognize that you deserve a relationship built on trust, respect, and reciprocity. Choosing yourself means understanding your worth and not settling for a one-sided connection.

Seek Support

If breaking free from the delusionship feels overwhelming, consider seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist. They can provide guidance and a listening ear as you navigate this journey.

Embrace Self-Love

Learn to love and value yourself. Building a strong sense of self-worth is the foundation for healthy, fulfilling relationships.

Move Forward

Once you’ve chosen yourself and broken free from the delusionship, take steps to move forward. Whether that means focusing on personal growth, pursuing new interests, or opening yourself up to genuine love, remember that your happiness matters most.

Setting Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries in your relationships. Healthy boundaries help you maintain self-respect and ensure that you’re not sacrificing your well-being for the sake of an unhealthy connection.


Take time for self-reflection. Understand what led you into the delusionship in the first place and work on addressing those underlying issues.

Seek Professional Help

If you find it challenging to break free from a pattern of delusionships, consider seeking professional help. Therapy can provide valuable insights and strategies to build healthier relationships.

Build a Support Network

Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends and loved ones who can help you stay grounded and remind you of your worth.

Forgiveness and Closure

Forgive yourself for staying in the delusionship and grant yourself the closure you need to move forward without lingering regrets.

Practice Patience

Understand that breaking free from a delusionship is a process that takes time. Be patient with yourself as you navigate the challenges and emotions that arise during this journey.

In conclusion, delusionships can be tricky to navigate, but recognizing the signs and confronting them is the key to breaking free.

Prioritize your well-being and create space for a relationship that’s grounded in reality and built on genuine love and respect.

Remember, you deserve nothing less than a healthy, fulfilling partnership.

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