I know, I know, you just learned about red flags and finally memorized a few and got comfortable with the term – but now there’s a new thing on the rise – beige flags. You’re probably thinking what is a beige flag, what falls under the category of beige flags, and most importantly, why they’re beige. Why not purple? Orange? Blue? You’re in luck, I’m here to answer all your questions.
What is a beige flag?
Simple put, a beige flag in a relationship is something weird your significant other does that isn’t exactly a dealbreaker but isn’t a plus either (aka a green flag). Red flags are things that are dealbreakers, such as manipulation, extreme anger issues/jealousy, and more. Green flags can be things like actively listening to your partner, communication skills, etc. Beige flags are in between. They’re the grey territory. The image below shows two examples of beige flags. Want to see more? Click here.

So…what’s considered a beige flag?
They can be anything from “my partner dips Oreos in water instead of milk” to “they text using only emojis… cringe”. They’re subjective and are more focused on people’s quirks/habits rather than good or toxic behaviour, like how red and green flags too. Essentially anything can be a beige flag to anyone, it just depends on your perception. Maybe it’s the way they make their coffee or wash their dishes, how they iron their socks or spray perfume on their shoulders.

Should you really focus too much on beige flags?
No. You shouldn’t. “Beige flags” is essentially just a new term for quirks. And guess what, everyone has them. We all fold our clothes and blow our noses differently. We all have different hobbies and drink different things, stop trying to chase perfection and find someone with “no beige flags”. Because by the current definition, everyone has their own.

My beige flag? I’ll switch the song in the middle of it because I’m bored of it, I’ve already listened to the entirety of it in my head and won’t wait till the end of it. I know people think it’s annoying, but I don’t care. We’re all human and we all do things differently. Do you know how boring life would be if we all did everything the exact same way?
All in all, I don’t think the term “beige flags” holds as much real value as the term “red flags” or even “green flags”. Beige flags are subjective, some people may like yours and others may not. And that’s okay! You shouldn’t focus on it so much; someone out there will love all of your beige flags -and you will love theirs.