usually start every day by checking my emails with a cup of coffee. If need be, I’ll reply to whatever is necessary and then get on with my day. I tend to make “to-do lists” the night before so that I already know what I have to do that day so as soon as I’m done with emails, I get started on my list. First things first, if I have any pending orders to make, I’ll make those and get them ready to be shipped out. If I have more than 2-3 orders, I’ll go to the post office to drop them off, if not, then I just leave them in my mailbox for the mailman to take them. If I have a lot of orders, which happens right after launching something new, then my entire day is just spent making them.

If it’s been a week or two since launching anything, that usually means things are sold out completely which gives me time to work on the next collection. My ideas come randomly and I don’t have a set way of designing something new. I look at what fabrics I have and I let them guide me into what I should make next. As someone who is zero waste and uses up scraps of everything, after any new collection, I collect all the scraps and see what I can make from them. A lot of my time is spent categorizing fabrics by scrap size and color. Then I just start making samples of stuff for the next launch which tends to take a couple of tries to achieve.
Another big part of what I do revolves around social media. I do a lot of content planning, especially around the time of a new collection. This means pre-filming YouTube videos, TikTok videos, planning my Instagram feed, etc. I try to post daily on Instagram, even if it’s just on my stories, and a couple of times a week for tiktok. Sometimes life gets too busy and I don’t have the time to actually do it all, but I try my best to keep up with everything.
Fashion desginer: @natalia.trevano
Interviewed by: Maya Darwish