5 Essential Public Speaking Tips

Afraid of public speaking? The fear of public speaking is called Glossophobia and affects about 73% of the world’s population. Glossophobia is more common than the fear of death!

But fear no more! There is a wide range of self-help and public speaking courses books and media to be found everywhere. And we have prepared 5 essential tips to help you get control over the situation and feel ready. Together we can prove that the skill of public speaker is for everyone.

Especially, since public speaking and presenting is a necessary skill within the working world!

Tip nr. 1: Write out notes

To make sure your presentation doesn’t slip away, prepare notes to keep you on track and remember everything. Furthermore, writing can help you memorize information better.

Tip nr. 2: Give in

Don’t stress too much. Although your opening may be shaky as you progress with your presentation, it’s very likely you’ll stabilize your tone and speak with more power and emphasis. The sooner you immerse yourself into the presentation the sooner you’ll reach that stability.

Tip nr. 3: Engage your audience

If the situation does not permit, you don’t have to directly speak to the audience. Rhetorical questions, allusions and taking examples from the crowd can be enough to engage the audience and create a dynamic atmosphere.

Tip nr. 4: A moment of silence

Pauses and silences are powerful tools to put emphasis and and add power to your message. So instead of possibly fearing silence, learn to use it for your cause.

Tip nr. 5: Practice and Practice more

This has to be the most obvious tip but it is also the most useful. Presenting beforehand and tweaking your performance in private is what perfects a presentation. Practicing helps with talking freely, feeling confident and secure and coming off as professional and trustworthy, making your presentation impactful and memorable.

We hope these 5 essential tips for public speaking will help you now and in the future with any school, university or work presentations that will come your way. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to send this to a friend who can use this!!

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