Since the podcast industry has been recently growing in the MENA region, and a lot of
podcasters have been joining the club, we decided to suggest you 5 Arabic podcasts that you
won’t regret giving a chance, because we know how confusing it is to pick one!

Adwaa Nogoum El-Tes3inat
If you’re a 90s music fan, this podcast is made for you, and If you’re not, it will definitely make
you one! In this podcast, “Ali El Okily” tells stories related to the 90s music industry and helps
us know more about the singers we love.
Through the podcast’s details, you’ll notice how much effort and passion are put into it. One
episode of this podcast is enough to literally take you to another place, I promise.
You can find “Ali” on PodU, Youtube, and Soundcloud.

Kefaya Ba2a
People who already follow “Alaa El Sheikh” must know his video series carrying the same name,
in which he sarcastically judges random daily acts that bother him (and usually bother all of us).
The good news is that “Kefaya Ba2a” is now there as a podcast! In this podcast, “Alaa” is still
judging, but in much longer episodes that will also make you laugh for longer.
Kefaya Ba2a is available on PodU, Spotify, Anghami, Google Podcast and Apple Podcast.

Haky Sareeh
One of the negative aspects of our societies is not normalizing sex education, and since we
believe in how important this is, we’re suggesting you this podcast with Dr. “Sandrine Atallah”.
Dr. “Sandrine” is a consultant in sexual medicine and a certified psychosexologist, and she is
there through her podcast to help you understand your bodies and to unveil myths and taboos
regarding sexuality.
Check Haky Sareeh on Anghami, Spotify, Apple Podcast and Hakawati.

Kobayteen Ahwa
This podcast’s name reveals a lot about its content, exactly like “Ahmed El Hareedy” and
“Khaled Dewan” describe themselves: “Just two guys having a chat over two cups of coffee.”,
and you’ll feel that you’re actually grabbing the third cup and joining them.
Although “Ahmed” and “Khaled” are having their chats in a funny and random way, however,
they’re usually discussing topics that you would really need to hear about, and beneath their
jokes, you will probably find a valuable message.
Get your coffee on PodU!

Hawadeet Li Li
Do you struggle to get kids to sleep? Or do you suck at telling bedtime stories? This
podcast your savior! whether you’re babysitting or trying to get your sibling to sleep
This podcast is a series of unrelated short stories narrated by “Lubna ElHossainy” that your kids
will surely love. You can let them listen to it and enjoy the calm background music “Lubna” is
adding, or you can even get inspired by story ideas and narrate them in your own way.
Get your kid to sleep in minutes on PodU!

The mother being podcast with Nour Emam
There is no doubt that Nour Emam is changing the world one day at a time and this podcast is no exception, talking about everything ‘mother being’ you can now listen to her podcast on apple podcasts, Podeo, and Spotify and it will soon be available on both Anghami and sound cloud as well!!
Written by: Fayrouz Ahmed