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Freshers season is coming around and you or your friend might be feeling homesick. To help you fight the incoming wave, here are some gift ideas!
1. A map of their hometown

Nothing better than a reminder of the winding streets of someone’s hometown on their wall to keep them company when homesick. You can buy a map of Cairo here.
2. Aromatherapy

Nothing like the scent of your city to remind you of home. Whether its pine, orange or argan; getting a diffuser for your friend is a great idea for dorm rooms in general. They’re a better option than candles as they’re mostly allowed in dorm rooms and the user can control how strong they want the scent to be. You can buy a scent diffuser here.
3. High quality glassware

High quality tiffin boxes can be a great way for your friend to carry more food from home next time they travel. Nothing compares to a parent’s cooking and the taste of home, so high quality glassware can be a lifesaver. Buy high quality glassware here.
4.Rice Cooker

Rice is part of the staple diet of many parts of the world, and you can find rice dishes from almost anywhere. A rice cooker can make a great gift due to its utility and versatility. You can buy a rice cooker here.
5. Traditional Jewelry

Getting someone jewelry they can wear every day from their culture can be a great way to make them feel less homesick. You can buy some jewelry here.
6. Weighted blanket

While it might not compare to a hug from a loved one, it comes pretty close and is a great way to reduce stress and feel comforted. You can buy a weighted blanket here.
7. A scrapbook

Create a collection of you and your friend’s favorite memories, be it a night out or funny conversation over text, a compilation of your best moments together can prove to them that they have someone by their side no matter where they are. You can buy an empty scrapbook here.
8. A ring light

We know that video calls aren’t the same as real life, but one way to increase the quality of those calls is to get your friend a ringlight so that they can be seen clearly. These can be mounted onto your laptop easily and can be great for work calls as well. You can buy a mini ring light here.
9. Slideshow photo frame

Digital photo frames are a great way for your friend to cherish photos and their favourite moments from back home. Using a USB you can upload pictures for them or have them customize the collection. You can by a digital photo frame here.
10. Country necklace

A rather patriotic gift, your friend can now keep their country close to their heart with customized country necklaces. You can buy an Egypt necklace here.