Imane Khelif’s Backlash: Astounding Victory Uncovers Freedom’s Situational Irony

Confused because of the controversy over Imane Khelif’s victory at the Paris Olympics 2024? Let me tell you a funny story!

It’s August 1, 2024. After many fights and revolutions for LGBTQ rights, especially in Western society, you’re about to watch a boxing match between two women, Imane Khelif and Angela Carini, at the Paris Olympics, in a country that proudly celebrated LGBTQ freedoms in the opening ceremony. A typical Olympic scene, right? One wins, one loses, so why the huge controversy?

Imane is a cisgender woman from Algeria, where sex change or homosexuality is a crime. She was born a woman and is legally a woman. However, some claim she has a high level of testosterone due to her disqualification from the women’s World Championships in Delhi. However, her disqualification was for failing a gender eligibility test, which did not include a testosterone test, nor was she identified as transgender or intersex. This means there is no proof that Imane isn’t a woman. So, why was she suspended?

The eligibility criteria suspend women with XY chromosomes and high testosterone levels. Since she didn’t undergo a testosterone test, it must be the chromosome issue. In previous cases like these, people have supported women with such conditions. The Olympian Committee Speaker, Mark Adams, noted that all women participating in the Olympics are chosen based on eligibility criteria, and the two players have faced each other various times previously. So, the matter is supposed to be closed.

In addition, Imane has a very inspiring story. Like many Arab girls, she fought for her dreams and faced her father. Her story could make an excellent Netflix movie, right?

Yes, until she plays against an Italian woman in the Olympics and achieves an amazing victory in just 46 seconds! An amazing victory, isn’t it? “No,” answer J.K. Rowling, Elon Musk, and some other Western figures. Yes, these are the same people who called for queer rights and transgender rights.

Imane is one of the people who need their rights the most because her problem is physical, not just by choice like in most cases. But she defeated a Western woman, so let’s blame it on how masculine she is, claim she can defeat any girl, and say she should face men instead! Let’s also accuse her of being misogynist when she smiles celebrating her victory!

The other woman is Angela Carini, a white Italian woman with a naturally feminine face and body shape. Like all Olympians, she also has an inspiring story, but she gets defeated by Imane and cries, an ordinary scene for the defeated party in the Olympics.

The backlash against Imane’s victory was huge after this match. A controversy erupted between supporters of Imane, who see her as a woman because she was born and is legally a woman, and those against her due to her high testosterone level and masculine shape.

The controversy brings up an important question about the truth of identity freedom. An ironic comparison is drawn between the celebrations of LGBTQ rights in the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics and the violent accusations against Imane for being a man. The real question is, would Imane face such backlash if she were white or faced a non-white competitor, especially since the masculine shape of women who play combative sports isn’t unusual? Probably not.

It’s just the stereotypical scene the Western media loves to portray: the barbarian man hits the innocent, attractive white woman. The crocodile tears of Angela Carini and her withdrawal to make Imane look unequal to her are also wild and prove that the mentality of framing everything as the barbarian man versus the white girl is still present, even if there is no man in the story!

Another ironic situation highlights the hypocrisy. Kamala Harris was recently accused by Trump of not being a true black woman. Her many defenders stated how it’s unacceptable to tell people who they are, so what’s the difference now?

So, after getting the whole story, is it the light that circles the hate and hypocrisy behind the ironic ceremony, or is it proof of Orwell’s quote about all animals being equal?

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