If you don’t believe in true love stories.. Just remember them.
Yesterday was a great loss for the whole Arab region, Unfortunately, we’ve received the news about the great actress “Dalal Abdelaziz” who had passed away 3 months later after her husband’s the legend “Samir Ghanem” death.

We were all hoping that she could recover and return to her family & audience but God had another plan. It’s extremely Heartbreaking.
For us, as we’re still breathing on earth, this story seems too depressing, but for them, it’s a love story that will live forever. A tough journey that lovers have to pass together & they succeeded, typically as we see it in romantic movies.
A story of Love that showered a whole country, made us laugh & cry from the bottom of our hearts. That young girl who insisted on getting married to a man who’s older than her by 25 years old. That love that made Samoura’s soul look like a child & made us laugh no matter what he said, once he opened his mouth we couldn’t bear it.
Family as it should be. I think we’ll dream of this kind of life. This Love that makes you feel young whatever how many candles you put on your birthday cake. The unconditional love that you feel for your partner whenever you see his/her wrinkles & remember these lifetime memories. This Love that god appreciates so much to the extent that he knows that you can’t bear living without it.

This story shows god’s mercy on people, it emphasizes that love stories are not just imaginary stories written by novelists & poets to separate us from reality. It’s the reality that we don’t believe in. A system which the universe can’t revolve without. “Love” is a simple word that holds everything. A meaning we need to expose to everyone in our lives before it’s too late.
Our deepest condolences to the great actress’ family. May her soul rest in peace.
We will miss you, DIDI & SAMOURA ❤️