Welcome to your life; you live it once, but if do not do it right, you die twice.
As humans, we are born awaiting. First, we wait to grow up, simply because we yearn for the freedom that growth provides. Then, we grow up and we start waiting for opportunities, inspiration and purpose. We -for the most part- live and die in waiting.
Accordingly, we believe that our answers come with time, not actions. Perhaps a person’s worst action towards themselves is to not take action at all, perhaps it is to remain inactive, waiting…
Scratch that, not perhaps. It is with certainty that life is wasted by waiting. Your life begins with a decision. A Movement. An action. To break it down into what a person truly needs, the factors at play would be the three mentioned above: opportunity, inspiration and purpose.
Your Life: An Opportunity
Kill the cliches. I won’t tell you that with every new day, come new opportunities. Life doesn’t happen that way. What really happens is that you decide to find an opportunity; let’s say: you are what you seek.
If you seek a job, you will find one. If you seek love, all you will see is 14th of Feb. If you seek knowledge, it will find you. More or less, you seek and you are then sought by your opportunities. Take it that way: seeking something actively will alter the algorithm of your life’s course of events. In other words: manifestations and whatnot…but not verbally, all in action. Seek it, and it will find you.

Every time you actively look for what you want to happen to you, you are one step closer to its materialization in your life. All you really have to do is to stop “the wait”, and start your life. To press “play” on the next chapter of your existence, is to make every step happen, because even if it is a step in the wrong direction, it will count. In other words, there is no such thing as the “wrong step”. All steps, eventually count, but a life gone in waiting is a life wasted.

Now, we bid farewell, but wait for more episodes of “How to start Living Your Life Now” where we find inspiration, then our purpose.